Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Its Not Hard to Be #1

If you own a small service type business, its fairly easy to dominate your competition and be #1 in your area. The type of businesses I'm thinking about are listed:

-heat & air
-tree service
-lawn service

This list is not limited to just these types of businesses though.

Here's how you do it. Make a promise to yourself you will return every phone call that comes to your answering machine or voice mail within 24 hours or sooner if possible. This will make a huge impression on your clients.

I have been told many, many times when I return a call to someone who's inquired about doing business with me how surprised that I return the call so quickly. I've even been told by some that some contractors never return their calls. Amazing!

Another technique to win admiration from clients is to perform what you promise. Like being punctual to appointments. If you're going to be late, give them a quick call and let them know you're going to be a few minutes late. They will appreciate that.

You can even use this technique completely through the life of the project. Keep them informed of the progress, just a simple 1 minute call is all that's necessary to score big points.

Watch your appearance. The other day, I was driving through a neighborhood and a contractor was standing in the front yard talking to a homeowner. His t-shirt had some holes in it and it wasn't quite long enough to cover his beer belly. I wish I could've gotten a photo of it.

You don't have to overdo it, just wear clean clothes, no holes, and look decent.

It takes time, but these few techniques will really pay dividends in the long run. Your customers will be saying a lot of positive things about you to their friends and neighbors.


Blogger Daniel said...

That extra bit of professionalism goes a long way. Thanks for sharing this, David!

12:55 PM  
Blogger Daniel said...

That extra bit of professionalism goes a long way!

Thanks for sharing this, David!

12:56 PM  
Blogger JUNGLEGRANDMA said...

Thank you cards go a long, long way too.

1:00 PM  

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